Home / What are the most important specifications for a plastic injection molding machine?

What are the most important specifications for a plastic injection molding machine?

2024/08/28 By Topstar

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Injection molding is the core manufacturing process for making various plastic products involving multiple industries, such as automobiles, electronics, consumer products, and medical devices. The efficiency and precision of the plastic injection molding machine you choose will significantly impact the product’s quality, production speed, and cost. So, when you purchase a batch of plastic injection molding machines, you need to know their most critical specifications. Topstar will share the key specifications in this article based on its experience as a technical expert in plastic injection molding technology.

Clamping force in plastic injection molding machine

One of the most critical specifications of plastic injection molding machines is the clamping force. The clamping force is the pressure the machine applies to keep the mold halves closed during the injection and cooling stages of the molding process. It is critical to determine whether the machine can continuously produce high-quality parts. Therefore, you must use a large enough clamping force to offset the pressure generated when injecting the molten plastic into the mold. If the clamping force is insufficient, the mold may open slightly, resulting in flashing. When choosing the clamping force, you must balance the size and complexity of the part produced and the material used. The clamping force range of Topstar’s plastic injection molding machine series is around 90T-2800T. You can calculate the required clamping force based on the part’s projected surface area and the material’s viscosity.

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Injection Capacity of Plastic Injection Molding Machine

Another important specification is injection capacity, which refers to the maximum volume of molten plastic that the machine can inject into the mold during each cycle. Determining whether the machine can produce parts of the required size and complexity is critical. The injection capacity of a plastic injection molding machine must be consistent with the requirements of the part being produced. If the injection capacity is higher, the machine may be able to fill the mold, resulting in an incomplete or defective part. If it is too high, it will result in excessive material use and increased production costs.


Manufacturers consider the part cavity’s volume and the material’s density to determine the appropriate injection capacity. You must also consider other features, such as gates, runners, and vents, which affect the total material required for each shot. In addition to the total injection capacity, you must carefully control injection pressure and speed to ensure the material fills the mold evenly and without defects.

The screw diameter and stroke length throughout the injection unit affect the injection capacity and the machine’s ability to handle different materials. As you increase the screw diameter, the injection capacity grows, while the stroke length determines how much material you can inject in a single cycle. Selecting the right combination of these factors is critical to optimizing the injection molding process and achieving consistent, high-quality results.

Mold Size and Compatibility

Mold Size and Compatibility They determine the range of parts a machine can produce. The platen size and tie-bar spacing usually define the mold sizes a plastic injection molding machine can accommodate. Platen size refers to the size of the mounting plate where you mount the mold. If the platen is too small, the mold will fit, making the machine usable for your application. Conversely, a platen much larger than the mold may result in inefficient use of space and resources.

Tie-bar spacing refers to the distance between the vertical bars that support the mold. This spacing must be broad enough to accommodate the mold without interference for smooth operation. If the tie-bar spacing is too narrow, the mold may not fit, or friction and wear may occur during operation, resulting in potential damage to the mold and the machine.

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In addition to the physical size of the mold, the weight of the mold and the handling capacity of the machine need to be considered. The mold weight specification ensures the machine can safely support the mold without excessive stress on the moving parts. Finally, compatibility with existing molds is a critical factor for manufacturers with a stock of molds. When upgrading or purchasing a new plastic injection molding machine, it is essential to ensure the new machine is compatible with existing molds to avoid expensive modifications or replacements.

Cycle Time

Cycle time is one of the most critical performance indicators in plastic injection molding because it directly affects production speed, efficiency, and total output. For manufacturers, reducing cycle time without compromising part quality is critical to achieving higher productivity and maximizing profitability.

Various factors affect the cycle time of a plastic injection molding machine, including injection speed, cooling time, and the efficiency of the ejection system. Optimize the injection speed, the rate at which you inject molten plastic into the mold, to ensure quick and even filling. While faster injection speeds can reduce cycle time, you must carefully manage them to prevent defects such as flow lines, air pockets, or incomplete filling.

Cooling time is another critical component of cycle time. After the molten plastic is injected into the mold, it must cool and solidify before the part can be ejected. Reducing cooling time can significantly improve overall cycle time, and advanced cooling systems can help reduce cooling time while maintaining part quality. While reducing cycle time is vital for enhancing productivity, balancing speed and part quality is also essential. In Topstar’s injection molding machine series, cycle time can be carefully monitored and adjusted through the core control panel to achieve the best balance between speed and quality.

Energy efficiency of plastic injection molding machines

Energy consumption directly affects operating costs and the environmental impact of the production process and is an issue that every manufacturer will pay attention to.

One of the main factors affecting the energy efficiency of plastic injection molding machines is the type of drive system used. There are three main types of drive systems: hydraulic, electric, and hybrid. Hydraulic machines are the most traditional type and consume more energy because the hydraulic pump runs continuously, even when you do not require active movement. On the other hand, electric machines use servo motors that only run when needed, reducing energy consumption and, more precisely, controlling the molding process. Hybrid machines combine the advantages of hydraulic and electric systems to balance power and efficiency.

Electric injection molding machines are generally more energy-efficient than hydraulic injection molding machines because they require less power and generate less heat, reducing the need for cooling. In addition, electric machines have faster response times and higher precision, which can shorten cycle times and improve part quality. The machine’s control system also helps to improve energy efficiency. Topstar’s plastic injection molding machines use a self-developed control system that adjusts the machine’s parameters in real time according to the specific requirements of each cycle, thereby optimizing energy use. These systems can monitor and adjust motor speed, hydraulic pressure, and cooling rates to ensure energy is used efficiently.

Make the right decision.

There are many specifications to consider in a plastic injection molding machine, so it is essential to focus on the factors that impact your production needs and goals most. Clamping force, shot capacity, mold size and compatibility, cycle time, energy efficiency, control systems, and automation. Each of these factors determines the performance of the machine and its suitability for a specific application.

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