Home / Topstar signs intelligent robot industry patent alliance

Topstar signs intelligent robot industry patent alliance

2024/04/28 By topstar

GBA Conference on the Creation and Utilization of Intellectual Property

“Infringement lawsuits? Exhibition patent disputes? Customs seizure? Trade investigation?” …… Chinese enterprises face various intellectual property risks when developing overseas. Strengthening the overseas layout of intellectual property rights and establishing a systematic international intellectual property protection mechanism has become a must for enterprises.

Recently, the GBA Creation and Utilization of Intellectual Property Rights Conference was held. The Governor of Guangdong Province, Mr. Wang Weizhong, the Director General of the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO), Mr. Shen Changyu, and the Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Mr. Deng Hongsen, attended the conference and delivered speeches.

During the conference, participants exchanged experiences on the topic of “Creation, Utilization, Protection, Management, and Service of Intellectual Property”. The conference participants reached a consensus to deepen the cooperation on intellectual property and help GBA build a demonstration site for high-quality development and a leading site for Chinese-style modernization. As an enterprise of three key industries, Topstar attended the meeting with two subsidiaries and signed the Intelligent Robotics Industry Intellectual Property Alliance to help enterprises go abroad.

GBA Conference on the Creation and Utilization of Intellectual Property

Sharing the results of industry alliances to enhance enterprises’ response capability

Topstar puts forward the vision of “To be the world’s leading smart equipment supplier” and takes “going abroad” as an important enterprise development strategy. Topstar will actively play the “National Intellectual Property Advantage Enterprise” and “Guangdong Province Industrial Robotics Industry Chain Main Enterprise” demonstration role, and further integrate industrial resources.

Topstar with two subsidiaries to establish the Guangdong Province Intelligent Robot Industry Patent Alliance. In the future, the alliance will expand more member companies, integrate intellectual property resources in the industry, and cohesion of industrial innovation. This will promote the development of industrial innovation and enhance the enterprise’s ability to prevent and respond to international intellectual property disputes.

Constructing industrial patent pools, helping enterprises to go abroad with wisdom

Topstar participates in the alliance’s work objectives and implementation plan and provides member enterprises with patent protection, intellectual property risk investigation, information sharing, and other services. This ensures that alliance members develop together and share the results.

The key work is to sort out and integrate industrial patent assets and innovation resources to form a patent pool for Guangdong Province’s intelligent robotics industry. Concerning the relevant rules of patent transfer in the industry, the Alliance will formulate basic rules for the maintenance, use, licensing, and benefit distribution of the patent poor, and form common rules for the evaluation of the patents in the pool and the use and licensing of the patents. This will help member enterprises to obtain innovation resources and technical support more efficiently in their business development.

At the same time, the alliance will carry out an intellectual property risk survey of target markets. Combined with the survey data and enterprise status, it will analyze the risk points and provide risk warnings for enterprises.

The member enterprises will participate in domestic and international exhibitions and conferences as well as exchange activities to collect relevant overseas intellectual property information and share the information, to promote the sound and orderly development of Guangdong Province’s intelligent robotics industry.

injection molding machine brand

Topstar’s corporate mission is to “make industrial manufacturing better”. Topstar adheres to the vision of “to be the world’s leading smart equipment supplier” and creates an intelligent hardware platform driven by core technologies through intelligent equipment centered on industrial robots, injection molding machines, and five-axis CNC machines, as well as three core technologies of control, servo, and vision, to provide manufacturing enterprises with an overall intelligent factory solution.

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