Home / Injection molding machines designed for the production of high-quality preforms

Injection molding machines designed for the production of high-quality preforms

2024/07/24 By Topstar


The entire injection molding market is facing constant updates and iterations to cater to the needs of different users. After extensive market testing, Topstar launched a new generation of preform injection molding machines – TMII-PET. In various plastic manufacturing industries, especially in producing plastic bottles and plastic containers, the quality of the preform is very important. The preform is an intermediate product that, after heating and blowing, becomes the final plastic container used in various industries. The preform injection molding machine is able to produce the highest quality preforms, ensuring their durability, transparency and overall product performance.

Preform injection molding machine uses a special screw combination for PET

Topstar preform injection molding machines using a special screw combination for PET. Unlike standard screws optimized for general plasticization, this dedicated PET screw configuration handles the unique properties of PET with careful design. Because PET has a high melting point and specific viscosity characteristics, it is very difficult to use traditional standard injection molding processes. The dedicated PET screw combination ensures optimal melting and homogenization of PET, reduces thermal degradation and improves the overall quality of the produced preforms. The use of a dedicated screw combination brings an improvement in plasticizing efficiency, which is more than 20% higher than that of traditional injection molding machines. Enhanced plasticizing efficiency not only speeds up the production process but also saves energy and reduces operating costs.

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High rigidity reinforcement of the frame

The preform injection molding machine has high rigidity reinforcement on the frame. In preform injection molding, the dimensional accuracy and consistency of each preform are crucial. Any bending or vibration of the frame may cause defects and variations in the final product. The high rigidity frame ensures that the mold and injection unit remain perfectly aligned, thereby producing a uniform and high-quality preforms. The stability provided by the high-rigidity frame reduces the wear of mold components, extends mold life, reduces maintenance costs, and reduces the frequency of mold changes, thereby ensuring uninterrupted production and high-precision molding.

Enlarged hydraulic motor for preform injection molding machine

The outstanding advantage of an enlarged hydraulic motor is its low-speed stability. In injection molding, maintaining a stable and controlled speed during the injection and holding phases is the key to achieving high-quality results. Low-speed stability in preform injection molding machines allows precise control of the injection process, reducing the risk of defects such as flow marks, sink marks and voids. It ensures that the PET material is injected smoothly and evenly into the mold cavity, resulting in preforms with excellent dimensional accuracy and surface finish. The combination of high torque and low-speed stability not only improves the machine’s performance but also improves its overall efficiency and reliability. Enlarged hydraulic motors reduce cycle times without affecting the quality of the output.

Increased ejector force and ejector stroke

Ejector force is a critical parameter in injection molding, especially for PET preforms. PET products often have complex designs that require precise demoulding to avoid damage, which can produce a product with fewer defects and higher quality. In this regard, the preform injection molding machine’s increased ejector force ensures smooth and consistent ejection of the preform from the mold. This higher force is a good way to solve the preform and mold adhesion.

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In addition to increased ejector force, Topstar’s preform injection molding machines also feature an extended ejector stroke. The ejector stroke is the distance the ejector system pushes the preform out of the mold. The increased ejector stroke is especially beneficial for complex PET preforms, which may have deeper cavities or require greater movement to eject from the mold fully. The extended ejector stroke can accommodate a wider variety of PET designs.

Suitable application areas

The most prominent application of preform injection molding machines is in the beverage industry, where they are used to make PET preforms for bottles. These preforms are subsequently blown into bottles for packaging water, carbonated drinks, juices and other beverages. In some pharmaceutical and healthcare fields, PET injection molding machines are used to produce PET containers and bottles for packaging medicines, syrups and other healthcare products. High cleanliness standards and precision make them ideal for these applications.

Produce high-quality preforms

The preform injection molding machine uses a special PET screw combination and a reinforced frame, which can ensure the production of stable, accurate and clean preforms. In addition, they can meet the needs of various industries while reducing production costs.

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