Home / How to achieve high-strength parts with injection molding machines?

How to achieve high-strength parts with injection molding machines?

2024/08/23 By Topstar

injection molding machines(1)

The injection molding process requires more than basic molding capabilities when making high-strength parts. Achieving high-strength components requires careful consideration of various factors, including material selection, injection molding machine accessory settings, mold design, and post-processing techniques. In this article, we will share how to achieve high-strength parts using Topstar’s injection molding machines and the methods and best practices that can help you optimize your production process.

Material selection for high-strength parts

First, materials with excellent tensile strength, impact resistance and thermal stability must be selected to obtain high-strength parts. Some engineering thermoplastics, such as PC, PA and ABS, are often used for high-strength applications. These materials have mechanical solid properties with high tensile strength and resistance to load deformation. In addition, manufacturers can reinforce some materials with additives like glass or carbon fiber to increase their strength and stiffness. They can use high-performance polymers such as PEEK or PPS for higher-strength applications. These materials have excellent strength, chemical resistance and thermal stability, generally suitable for harsh environments such as aerospace, automotive and industrial applications.

Injection molding materials PC, PA and ABS

Producing high-strength parts with TM II series injection molding machines

Once you have determined the suitable material, the next step to achieve high-strength parts is to select and set up the injection molding machine. The proportional back pressure control used on the TM II series injection molding machine can achieve multi-stage back pressure settings with higher precision. When faced with the high injection pressure required for high-strength materials, it can ensure that the material fills the mold entirely and evenly. In addition, the inclined double-shot cylinder and linear guide used in the injection speed can make the injection more precise and balance injection speed and material flow.

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The mold temperature controller used in temperature control can control the mold temperature well, and the PID-based algorithm can ensure uniform temperature. The standard electroplated screw on the injection molding machine effectively maintains the temperature of the feed port, ensuring that the material is processed within the optimal temperature range.

The role of mold design in producing high-strength parts

Mold design is an integral part of the injection molding process, mainly when producing high-strength parts. Mold design directly affects material flow, cooling process and the final performance of the molded part. Regarding gate location and design, the TM II series injection molding machine places the gate in a position that promotes uniform material flow and minimizes the formation of welds. It can encourage smooth material flow, reduce the risk of welds and improve the overall strength of the component. In addition, the wall thickness of the part plays a vital role in determining its strength. For high-strength applications, designers must create a mold with appropriate wall thickness to provide the necessary strength without compromising the part’s function. In some cases, they can add ribs or gussets to reinforce the thinner sections of the part.

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Monitoring and control of the molding process of the injection molding machine

The production of high-strength parts requires the correct material, mold design, and careful process monitoring and control. Developers have refined the control system of the TMll series injection molding machine to make the control panel operation more user-friendly. The system collects real-time data on crucial process parameters such as injection pressure, temperature, and cycle time, allowing operators to monitor the process and make necessary adjustments. By continuously monitoring these parameters, operators can identify deviations and take corrective measures before defects occur. For example, if the monitoring system detects a drop in injection pressure, it may indicate nozzle blockage or material flow problems, compromising the part’s strength. By addressing issues promptly, you can prevent the production of defective parts.

Post-processing techniques to enhance the strength of injection-molded parts

Post-processing techniques can further enhance injection molded parts’ mechanical properties and durability. Annealing is one of the most common post-processing techniques to improve the strength of injection-molded parts. It is to heat the molded part to a specific temperature below its melting point and then slowly cool it. This process helps to relieve internal stresses that may be generated during molding, which would otherwise cause warping, cracking, or loss of strength over time. There is also surface treatment, which can improve the strength and durability of injection molded parts. For example, parts that need increased wear resistance or hardness can benefit from surface treatments such as hard coating, ion implantation, or plasma treatment.

Machining and finishing operations can also play a role in enhancing the strength of injection molded parts. For example, precision machining can remove excess material and produce features with tighter tolerances. These operations help achieve the final dimensions and surface finish required for high-strength applications.

Using TM Series Injection Molding Machines to produce high-strength parts

Using injection molding machines to produce high-strength parts is a multifaceted process, and the M Series injection molding machine can be compatible with various high-strength materials. The structural design can also meet the temperature control, pressure and injection speed required to produce high-strength materials. We regularly share knowledge about injection molding machines and injection molding on the website so your company can confidently produce high-strength parts.

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