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How do mold temperature controller handle thermal overloads?

2024/10/18 By Topstar


In plastic product manufacturing, precise temperature control allows the production of high-quality parts. Mold temperature controllers are critical to maintaining a constant temperature during injection molding. These devices regulate the mold’s temperature to ensure it remains within the optimal operating parameters, improving part quality and production efficiency. However, when exposed to excessive temperatures, thermal overloads may damage the equipment and products. Therefore, Topstar will discuss how our mold temperature controller handles thermal overloads.

Thermal Overload and Its Effect on Injection Molding

Thermal overload occurs when the temperature in the injection molding system exceeds the safe operating level. This can occur due to various factors, including equipment failure, poor heat transfer, or external environmental conditions. During the injection molding, thermal overloads can cause multiple problems, such as warping, material degradation, and mold damage. Parts may shrink unevenly, the surface may become discolored, or mechanical properties may weaken. Therefore, effectively handling these temperature peaks is necessary to maintain product quality and protect machinery. To prevent these problems, mold temperature controllers can continuously monitor the temperature of the mold to ensure that it remains within a predefined range to avoid overheating. When temperatures rise to potentially dangerous levels, the controller can take immediate action to prevent damage and maintain production efficiency.

Injection Molding

How Mold Temperature Controller Detect Thermal Overload?

A vital feature of a mold temperature controller is its ability to detect thermal overload in real-time. Sensors in the controller measure the mold temperature and the temperature of the coolant circulating through the system. The sensors provide continuous feedback to the controller, which processes this data and adjusts the temperature accordingly.

If the mold temperature exceeds a set threshold, the controller’s sensors immediately signal the system to intervene. At the same time, there is also a built-in safety mechanism that triggers the automatic shutdown of the cooling system when abnormal heat levels are detected. This real-time detection prevents prolonged exposure to high temperatures, minimizing the risk of thermal overload damage. The fast response time for manufacturers enables the system to take action before any critical thresholds are breached, protecting the equipment and molded parts from damage.

mold temperature controller (4)

Cooling Systems and Heat Dissipation in Mold Temperature Controller

Once a mold temperature controller detects a potential thermal overload, it must effectively dissipate excess heat to return the mold to a safe operating range. A combination of water—or oil-based cooling systems is typically used to manage the mold’s temperature. These fluids circulate in the mold’s channels, absorbing heat and transferring it away from the surface.

In the event of a thermal overload, the controller will increase the coolant’s flow rate or adjust the coolant’s temperature to ensure more efficient heat dissipation. The cooling technology, such as high-efficiency heat exchangers, helps transfer heat faster and more efficiently. These systems can be customized according to the molding material and mold design to ensure optimized cooling for each specific application. At the same time, the copper heater has been newly upgraded. The copper material has excellent ductility and thermal conductivity; its life is increased by 40%, and its efficiency is increased by 10%. The mold temperature controller can be used commonly even when the water quality is poor.

Nickel-plated copper heater

Automatic safety mechanism

When dealing with thermal overload, the mold temperature controller is equipped with automatic safety mechanisms to ensure that the system is protected even in the event of a significant increase in temperature. These safety features include automatic shutdown protocols, alarm systems, and manual override functions. The mold temperature will automatically shut down when it exceeds a critical threshold. The controller cuts off the heating element or starts the emergency cooling system to reduce the mold temperature. At the same time, the alarm may notify the operator that the system has encountered a thermal overload so that quick action can be taken to solve the potential problem.

Of course, in addition to the automatic shutdown function, Topstar’s mold temperature controller has forced cooling and timed scheduled power on and off functions. Continuously opening the cooling solenoid valve reduces the mold’s temperature by about 10 minutes. Preheating one hour in advance increases efficiency by 10%.

Bringing higher energy efficiency

Overheating will significantly increase energy consumption because the system needs to work harder to control the rise in temperature. By preventing thermal overload, mold temperature controllers help optimize energy use and reduce costs. They fine-tune the heating and cooling systems to use energy only when necessary, ensuring efficiency. Rather than overcompensating for temperature fluctuations from thermal overload, they maintain a stable temperature throughout the molding cycle. This balance not only saves energy but also extends the life of the equipment by reducing wear.

Let you have higher quality products.

Using the right equipment and systems, manufacturers can effectively manage these risks. The mold temperature controller is critical in maintaining the ideal mold temperature and preventing overheating. From detecting temperature spikes in real time to initiating automated cooling systems and implementing safety shutdowns, they provide the precision and control needed to protect equipment and maintain high product quality across various manufacturing industries.

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